Film director Shirish Kunder has dismissed allegations that his short movie “Kriti” is a copy of a Nepali short film. A Facebook post by Aneel Neupane, who claims to be a filmmaker from Nepal, said that Kunder “practically stole the plot” of his film titled “Bob” for the psychological-thriller. The post read: “I’m angry not because Mr. Shirish Kunder practically stole the plot and made it into his film. I’m angry because we didn’t even have lunch money while shooting ‘Bob’, and a spotboy for ‘Kriti’ probably made more money than Bob’s entire budget. “My team and I didn’t work our asses off just so some rich dude from India could turn it into this and get away with it. That’s just not fair.”After the claims caught attention on digital platforms, Kunder, who is married to filmmaker Farah Khan, took to Twitter to settle the matter.
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