Man gets pun!$hed for asking cigarette

There are many people in this world who look like humans but actually are devils. They have no humanity or a sign of pity in them.. They are aggressive and anything can make them go cr@zy. A new video has been uploaded on YouTube which shows similar kind on inhuman act. The inc!dent took place in Hariyana, Fariyabad. The video is very sh)cking and quite disturbing. In the 45 second long CCTV footage, a man can be seen being behaved in a very inhumanly way by three men. According to report man had just had asked for a cigarette and the three men got aggressive for no exact reason. They video is very violent as one of the man starts to be@t the innocent man and the other 2 also join him. They open their ow belt and even the guys belt and start to h!t him with it. They be@t him so aggressively that at the end the man is left unconscious and half de@d. The three men have no sign of pity for the man and they are just h!tt!ng him continuously turn by turn. According to reports the 3 men are being searched for by the police and the case is under investigation.

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